Knowing the Moroccan Gastronomy

Morocco is famous worldwide because of its varied cuisine. This reputation’s bequeathed by their influence on European cuisine, including the Arabic and the Berber ones. Specifically, the Moroccan cuisine is based on natural sources, since they use natural oils like olive oil or argan oil, which are not common in other regions, but also includes the use of spices such as ginger, saffron, cumin, paprika, cinnamon and white pepper.
The Moroccan gastronomy attaches great importance to using herbs in their meals like the garlic, the parsley, the onion, the mint, the marjoram, the coriander foliate, the basil, the dry grass and the za'atar in the stifle party or on display. It also includes lamb, chicken, beef, camel and goat meat among others. Fish, with its great variety has an important place in Moroccan dishes, giving them the ability to create amazing meals of variety.
The couscous is the typical food of Morocco, favored by all Moroccans as lunch on Fridays and at night Axura. We can find the couscous with seven vegetables, and sweet couscous, sugary coucous or seffa, coucous suppress kourdass among other varieties. Tajin, the typical fish is accompanied by various meats such as camel, chicken, goat, lamb or vegetables, something different from what is usually outside of Morocco as baddaz, attanjya or skewers.
About Moroccan bread we can say that there’s a traditional bread variety as cool close cheer from tafarnout baked in clay oven and other varieties such as l’harcha, l’batbot, l’mlawi, r’ghayef and other ones. Speaking about cakes and sweets we’ve got l’briouat that contains almonds scented with rose water. Besides we can find gazelle’s horn, kaab el ghouzal which are specially prepared with balmy pf plum a kind of a paste of almonds.
The bakery also has different Moroccan cakes whose ingredients include almonds, nuts, honey, sesame and orange blossom as the fekkas, l'ghroueyba, e'chebbakya and the bahlawa among others. As you can see we can enjoy the Moroccan gastronomy thanks it’s got an excellent variety of salty and sweet dishes to all tastes, besides its amazing landscapes, also very famous around the world.

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